Calling ALL Travis County ARES members to the Travis County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Voice and Traning Net. This net meets every Sunday at 1900 hours local time for the purpose of handling traffic, training, dissemination of relevant information and emergency preparedness. All local amateurs are encouraged to participate. This is a directed net. All stations are requested to follow the instructions of net control.
We also have a Winlink Wednesday event. Members are encouraged to use Winlink by various modes and frequencies including Telnet, VHF and HF. Send a WinLink message to AG5TR between Sunday and Monday each week.
In a time of severe weather we host a SKYWARN WX Net. Weather nets, held on a wide coverage local repeater 146.94 (tone: 107.2). Hams provide quality, up to the minute info about what is actually happening in the field. Most of the information flows from the hams, to the weather net, and onward to the NWS or other served agencies who monitor our on-air nets.