TCARES WinLink Net provides a regular opportunity to test our hardware and software configurations, and to practice our skills in using the WinLink radio email system ( Announcements and reminders go out to past participants via WinLink and via this website.
AAll TCARES are encouraged to participate and add WinLink, an important part of our ARES® response capability, to your amateur radio toolkit. It’s easy to do, and if you are already set up for digital modes you have all the hardware you need. If not, find a buddy to help you set up your system.
WinLink training topics will be included in the acknowledgements that I send. These will include important features and characteristics of the WinLink system (scripts, P2P, creating templates, message precedence, white lists, compressing files). Also included will be tips, shortcuts, definitions, links to other system and training information, etc.
The preferred method is to use any VHF or HF RMS gateway to send your check-in through your radio. Initially, if your setup is not capable of digital transmission, you may use telnet. But within a few weeks you will be expected to transmit through a Gateway as this is the real value of WinLink.
W5TQ-10 on 145.730 MHz is a public RMS Gateway available 24/7/365 for legitimate amateur radio use. Coverage is quite good around Travis County. You can use this gateway, another VHF or UHF gateway, or an HF gateway to participate in WinLink Nets.
Winlink Gateways
The WinLink Web site, , has maps and lists of all the gateways available for use.
Check-in Procedure
Check-in anytime between Thursday 0000 and Wednesday 2359. Each Thursday morning AG5TR will acknowledge all check-ins and announce the week’s count. Training announcements might be included; so please try to read them in time for the next check-in. The check-in count will also be announced on the TCARES Sunday Net.
Check In Format
Subject: //WL2K TCARES WinLink Net Check-In
call sign, first name, city or town, Gateway used (W3MRC-10, N5TW, etc), Session type (Packet, Pactor, Winmor, etc)
K8REX, Rex, Austin, W5TQ-10, Packet