ARES groups are organized at the county level with each county group in this part of the state rolling up to the South Texas Section of the ARRL.
Travis County ARES Officers

Glenn Meter, W5MTR
Emergency CoordinatorGlenn is the Emergency Coordinator for TCARES

Chris Kacerguis, KJ5DJC
Assistant Emergency Coordinator – NetControl / DigitalChris maintains the website, and runs the Net Control Team for TCARES

Colin Wright, K5KEX
Assistant Emergency Coordinator – Critical InfrastructureColin Wright is also the liaison to the Austin Disaster Relief Network.

Phil Bautista, AA5EX
Assistant Emergency Coordinator – Training / Emergency Operations CenterPhil Bautista is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and an Extra Class Amateur Radio license holder.

Robert “Rex” Schuller, K8REX
RACES County Liaison Officer[coming soon]

Peter Velasquez, KF5MIB
Safety Officer[coming soon]

Jimmy Earl, WB5MET
Public Information Officer[coming soon]
Liaison Officers
- John Stendahl, W5NZE, to HF and VHF National Traffic System Nets
- Rodney Warner, KG5DWX, to US Army MARS
- Roy Walker, WA5YZD, to TDEM State Operations Center
- Patrick Rogers, W5DVG, to TX RACES Region 9 & District 12 Austin
- Kevin Dunlevy, N5KOD, to BSA