Our Goals
- Have a network or trained weather spotters in place to report severe weather
- Activate the WX net when needed
- Coordinate reports from spotters in accordance with the Skywarn manual
- Encourage accurate reporting and limit low priority traffic when necessary
- Relay accurate and coordinated reports to the NWS and the public through the media
TCARES SKYWARN Team and Duties
- Base Stations
- Report weather conditions at their location
- Mobile Stations
- We are not storm chasers, but some stations may volunteer to operate at a fixed mobile location when a portion of Travis County is not covered by checked in base stations.
- Net Control
- Opens the net on 146.940 (107.2 tone)
- Communicate the following
- Back-up frequencies 147.360 and 146.58 simplex
- Read the Skywarn Net Script
- WX reports/alerts from NWS, EOC, or other Skywarn Nets
- Periodic updates on radar information and projected times on Travis County impact
- Net Activation Level and/or changes to the same (see activation)
- Direct and record Check-ins (HT / Mobile / Base status, and location of active spotters
- Log each report by a participating station
- Swap roles with Back-up Net Control each hour or as needed
- Completing the After Action Report
- Backup Net Control
- Assist Net Control with recording Check-ins and check-outs
- Assist in logging reports from reporting stations
- Swap roles with Net Control each hour or as needed
- Alternative Net Control (when Level Three activation required)
- Operate as NCS on Simplex (or other channel as needed)
- NWS Liaison
- Coordinate and report weather reports to the NWS according to Skywarn guidelines:
- If NWS is on frequency, ensure they copied the report
- If not on frequency, via the NWS restricted telephone number (or Secure Chat)
- If telephone / chat contact not possible, via the Austin/San Antonio NWS website
- Coordinate and report weather reports to the NWS according to Skywarn guidelines:
- CTECC Liaison
- Share reports between the Net and the EOC
- TV Station Liaisons
- Share Net reports with the media for dissemination to the public
- Adjoining County Net Liaisons
- Share reports between the nets
- Volunteer/Training Coordinator
- Keeping a roster of volunteers, training status, and base location
- Recruiting new volunteers
- Providing information sharing and basic training on an alternative frequency during a Net for participants unfamiliar with protocol or seeking membership
The SKYWARN net will be activated if any of the following occur
- At the request from the NWS
- NOAA weather radio broadcasts the activation of the spotter network
- The county is placed under Severe Thunderstorm, Flash Flood, or Tornado Warning
- CTECC is activated for weather related events
- As directed by the TCARES Emergency coordinator
- All registered stations will be notified by email or text message when the SKYWARN net is activated
Net Activation Level
Level One
- A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect, but no severe weather is occurring in the area (warnings are too late to organize a WX net)
- Operates in Informal mode until Net Control announces move to Level Two
- Net Control is established and may take check-ins
- Record geographical position of active participants
- Record HT/mobile/base station operation
- Establish the following positions
- Back-up Net Control
- NWS Liaison
- Net Control Operator for Alternative Net, if needed (see Level 3)
Level Two
- A Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado warning has been issued
- Priority is placed on taking and reporting weather report to NWS
- Check-ins are now secondary and only taken as time allows
- Operate in Formal mode and reports limited to Skywarn severe weather guidelines:
- Identification – Call sign and exact location (using highways or major roads)
- Funnel Clouds/Tornadoes
- Time of first sighting
- Still visible
- On the ground or aloft
- Direction of movement
- Damage or injuries
- Flooding / Flash floods (Rains of 1″ or more per hour)
- Rainfall total
- Rainfall intensity
- Length of heaviest rainfall
- Flooding or low water crossings, underpasses, or overflowing banks
- Evacuations or likely evacuations
- High Winds (58 mph or more)
- Time Gust front hit
- Wind speed or Beaufort Scale by trained observer
- Wind direction and duration of high wind
- Damage
- Hail (larger than 1″ or quarter size)
- Size (use fruit as reference size)
- Duration of hail storm
- Damage
Level Three
- A Tornado warning has been issued for Travis County, or an actual tornado has been spotted
- Priority is placed on communicating these reports to NWS, CTECC, and media outlets
- The alternative weather net is activated on the 147.360 repeater to handle Level 1 and level 2 traffic
Monitoring Other Skywarn/ARES Nets simultaneously active
Williamson County
- 146.640 (PL162.2) primary
- 145.370 (PL114.8) backup
Bastrop County (Linked)
- Bastdrop 443.175 (PL114.8)
- Elgin 442.800 (PL114.8)
- Flag Hill 443.000 (114.8)
Burnet County
- Burnet 145.020 (PL88.5)
Hays/Caldwell Counties
- Wimberley 147.100 (PL141.3)
- Hays / Caldwell 444.150 (PL114.8)
Saltgrass Link System
- Austin 442.450 (PL114.8)